Week 11/30/2020 - 12/06/2020

Monday Nov. 30th, 2020
  • NYC begin repoening preschools, kindergartens, and elementary schools, with middle and high schools to follow later.
  • Facebook is buying Kustomer, a all-in-one customer relationship service, to further build its ecommerce platform.
  • S&P Global is buying IHS Markit for $44 billion, which will make the biggest acquisition of 2020, in order to create a massive information force and reduce competition.
  • Moderna also applies for approval for its covid-19 vaccine.
  • Airbnb and DoorDash are both going to go public and they’re both aiming for higher valuations than expectation.
  • Joe Biden announced the top captains of his economic team. Yellen becomes the first women to lead the Treasury Department.
  • Bitcoin hit all-time high.
  • Nokola’s stock fell 27% after GM announced it’s gonna only take an 11% stake of Nikola, and produce a fuel cell pickup for the company by the end of 2022. The plan of building the Badger pickup truck for Nikola ends.
  • Under Armour is cooperating with Steph Curry to announce the launch of Curry Brand.
Tuesday Dec.1st, 2020
  • S&P and Nasdaq hit all-time high again.
  • Zoom’s revenue duadrupled last quarter but its stock dropped 15% after the earning announcement. There’s two reasons: 1. Zoom’s grwoth rate is falling and 2. it spent a large amount of money on its cloud costs.
  • Sephora will open mini-shops in 850 Kohl’s stores by 2023. After the news, Kohl’s stock rose 13%.
  • Salesforce is buying Slack for $27.7 billion.
  • Facebook plans to pay mainstream UK news to license their articles for a dedicated news section.
  • A bipartisan group of senators proposed a $908 billion corona relief package.
  • Nasdaq asked SEC if it could require all 3300 companies to publicly disclose diversity stats about their boards of directors and have at least two diverse directors.
  • Reddit disclosed that it has 52 million daily average users in October.
Wednesday Dec.2nd, 2020
  • The coronavirus is getting more and more serious. There’re more than 2600 covid death cases and the hospitalizations surpasses 100000 for the first time.
  • Senate Minority Leader and House Speaker announced their support for the new stimulus package that was brought up by bipartisan group of senators.
  • Because of the corinavirus, the e-commerse sales increased 44% comparing with last year, while the store visits dropped more than 50% on Black Friday. Investors are making bets on physical infrastructure that powers e-commerce: warehouses.
  • The UK approved Pfizer-BoiNTech’s coronavirus vaccine.
  • The U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation that puts further scrutiny on Chinese firms trading in the U.S.
  • Elon Musk told employees that Tesla stock could “get crushed like a soufflé under a sledgehammer” if investors don’t see future profit increases.
  • UPS announces a shipping limit on several major companies like Nike since the holiday season delivery servide is overloading.
  • Snowflake announced its first quarter’s earnings and its sales more than doubled as a public company.
Thursday Dec.3rd, 2020
  • California issued a regional stay-at-home order.
  • American Airline flew its Boeing 737 MAX flight since March 2019 to show it’s getting safe.
  • AT&T’s Warner Brother will release all 17 of its 2021 movies on HBO Max at the same time they hit theaters. AMC and Cinemark’s stock price plunged.
  • Joe Biden named Brian Deese, head of sustainable investing at BlackRock to helm the National Economic Council.
  • Spotify stock rose to a record on “2020 Wrapped” release.
  • OPEC and its oil-producing allies agreed to increase production by 500,000 barrels per day beginning in January.
Friday Dec.4th, 2020
  • The CDC is advising “universal mask use” outside the home to combat spiraling coronavirus infections, the first time it’s issuing such guidance.
  • The unemployment rate rose again from 6.7% to 6.9%.
  • The U.S. House passed a bill that would decriminalize marijuana at the federal level.
  • Snowflake’s market cap topped more than $100 million after reporting its first earnings.
  • Pet retailer Petco filed to go public and its ticker is WOOF.